By warehousing we mean the (temporary) storage of goods and cargo for our customers – which may or may not be in containers or tanks – until their distribution or transport to a later destination. It is one of those phases in the transport cycle in which S’Jegers has specialised over time in order to better serve companies and partners.
Today, at its site in Tessenderlo (Havenlaan 5), the company has a surface area of at least 20.000 m², of which every square metre can be used for the storage and transhipment of goods (whether or not in containers) and for the storage of containers . It is therefore logical that the site has its own reach stacker, capable of stacking or unstacking quickly and efficiently The Tessenderlo subsidiary is also used for stripping and stuffing small cargo (loading or unloading).
But that’s not all: in Laakdal (Nikelaan 27), a 4,000 m² warehouse adorns the industrial landscape.

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